Working, preaching, preparing to graduate, changing jobs...
That has pretty much been our week. Unfortunately its not over yet! Chris's family came in on Monday for his Sr. Sermon, which was on Tuesday. We went out to dinner with one half Monday night, and with the other half Tuesday afternoon. He did an absolutely fantastic job, and as soon as it is placed on a podcast I will post a link so you all can hear it!
Our first official Sunday at our new church, Cornerstone Christian Church, was this last Sunday. I think it went wonderfully! I am loving the kids, and the whole church is so welcoming, but it is all a bit overwhelming.
I have been feeling under-the-weather all week, and Today is the first day since Saturday that I am feeling halfway decent. That has been no fun! Not to mention that it is especially a hassle when we are trying to get ready to move into a new place on Saturday. And have a gotten anything packed??? No. Not a thing. Poor Chris is finishing a paper that is due by midnight, and a project that is due Monday, but considering we are moving Saturday and have a children's picnic after church on Sunday, he really needs to get it done...well...yesterday. And did I mention that our electricity is being transferred tomorrow...which is Friday...we are moving Saturday. The electric company can't do a transfer on a Saturday, and they can't overlap days so sometime tomorrow, they couldn't tell me when, my power will get cut, and since I can't get into my apartment till Saturday morning after 9:00am I guess we will have to make sure everything is ready to go before dark.
Furthermore, Owen, our wonderful dog has gone on a new peeing rampage! I don't know what his deal is, but Tuesday he decided that he should pee all around the bedroom at 11:30 pm, as I was getting ready for bed, and I had to clean that up. So, I decided he needed to be put in his crate while I cleaned up the mess. As soon as I put him in his crate he managed to, from somewhere deep inside, find about a liter's worth more of pee to release in his crate, and then sit in it of course! As if that wasn't enough, last night he decided to get on my bed and pee in the middle of it, through the comforter, the top sheet, bottom sheet, mattress pad, egg crate, and finally to my beautiful, new, pillow top mattress. Oh lovely! So last night at 11:00 when I discovered this as I was crawling into bed...oh yes...crawling into bed...because you see, I have terrible vision and I wear contacts, which I took out in the bathroom. Thus, until i placed my hand and my butt into the pee puddle I did not notice it. I took everything off, had to clean it up, and had to scrub the mattress down with stain remover. Oh, how I love my dog!
So...needless to say this week = crazy! But, life's an adventure right?!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Sick, Packing, Moving...
Posted by Andrea at 2:10 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Perhaps I spoke too soon...
things aren't falling into place like I thought. No surprise there I guess. God, of course, is as good as always, and things are falling into place, just not how I had planned. How I planned?? Ha! Is that a joke?! Am I still planning??!! You'd think I would learn my lesson! Anyway... all that to say... we are here in Dallas now. We are moving to a new apartment for now. I am keeping the job I have now. Chris is starting a new job now.
...all of that is still true...for now...
Lord, lead us...
...more on that the meantime...pray.
P.S. He does know what He's doing right??? Someone, please remind me that He knows what He's doing!
Posted by Andrea at 12:27 PM 2 comments
Labels: Ministry
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Happy Birthday Chris!
Yesterday was Chris' birthday, and I'm a little late in posting, but considering I didn't even see him until 10:30 last night, and I won't see him most of today either, we are just pretending that Thursday is his birthday. So, if Thursday was his birthday I wouldn't be late at all. :)
In other news...
God is good.
OK, so I suppose that isn't big news. God has always been good. I have just really been reminded of it in the last week. It seems that every concern I had since my last post has been taken care of. Chris has been offered, and accepted the associate minister position at Cornerstone Christian Church, we are officially moving in 24 days, and it looks like I don't have to find a new job, and Chris can keep his guitar students. See, what was I even worried about?!
It is a little surreal though. I was telling my mom and Ericka that up until now I have had in the back of my mind that Dallas wasn't really my home. That this was only a transitional place for me. I still call my parents house "my house." I still call Indy "home." It started to hit me, when we were praying about taking this position, that this would officially make this home for me. I know I have been living here married, and out of school for nearly a year, but something is different now. Before we were waiting for the next step, and now we are in the next step. It just so happens that the next step didn't take us to a new place. Anyone who knows me at all is aware that Dallas doesn't quite make the top of my list for "great places to live," but the reality is, this is home for me now. I get a little choked up just typing those words, but the more I say them and type them, the more natural it will become. I hope. Because this is probably where we will buy our first house, and where our first kid will be born. This is it, Dallas, my home.

Some of these Texans really are starting to grow on my though. ;)
p.s. Just for the record, this does NOT make me a Cowboys fan!
Posted by Andrea at 9:56 AM 2 comments