My cousin Shannon has inspired me. She decided to make a list of 101 things to do in 1001 days. I have lately realized that I spend much of my time without any purpose. So, in an attempt to live intentionally, to live with more purpose, and to accomplish some goals both serious and fun, I have adapted Shannon's idea for myself. I made a list of 50 things to accomplish by the end of 2009. In fact, after I decided to make a list, the rest of the people in my house made lists! We posted the lists in our "office" so we can keep track and help each other along.
I have also decided, again from the inspiration of Shannon, to blog about my goals as I accomplish them. Lucky you. :)
The List
- Start graduate school
- Keep up with my journal
- Go to Disney World
- Eat an oyster
- See my best friend get married
- Lose five pounds
- Have a date night at least once a month
- Go white water rafting
- Take a cooking class
- Make and complete a new reading list of 25 books
- Start working out on a regular basis
- Go camping (I haven’t been in five years!)
- Go to an Indian restaurant
- Cook a Thai meal
- Go skiing
- Pay off all non-school debt
- Finish memorizing Hebrews
- Go golfing
- Have a garage sale
- Enter a photo contest
- Take a photography class
- Get my name changed on all of my documents
- Get a Texas drivers license
- Get Owen obedience training
- Grow my hair out to the bottom of my neck (super long for me!)
- Go to the symphony
- Visit Portland
- Build up my collection of Disney movies
- Get new glasses
- Finish a jig-saw puzzle with Amber
- Have a girls night
- Write a song with Chris and Zach
- Stick my feet in the Pacific Ocean
- Go on a weekend retreat with my “Family”
- With my D-group, create plaster molds of our faces.
- Keep up with my blogs
- Go to the dentist
- Re-do my framed pictures to match my bedroom
- Blow up and frame some of my best pictures
- Sell Blanch (the Lumina)
- Start crocheting again
- Organize/re-organize a filing system for important documents, receipts, bills, etc.
- Make a quilt
- Trim the hedges
- Paint pottery
- Record with Zach
- Get enough money for three months worth of expenses in savings
- Read the Old Testament
- Learn to drive a standard
- Go to five states I have never been to.
This is my list, in no particular order. I'll keep you posted!