my kind of town!" I told you pictures would be coming, and so they have! Chris and I had been saving and planning to go somewhere, and we decided to combine our trip with a special occasion, and surprise my most amazingly wonderful friend, Ericka, for her birthday. And getting to meet up with my cousins Greg and Shannon was the icing on the cake of a wonderful trip!
Chris, on our way to surprise was a little chillier than he is used to.

First stop was at what Ericka calls "the giant pea."

Our reflection inside "the pea"

Obviously Ericka isn't too good with her vegetable shapes...
Next stop, Sears Tower...
which, by the way, is not as easy to find as you would think the tallest building in the city would be to find without a map...
and lunch, Chicago pizza! mmmm...

Having fun so far!

You should know that following our lunch we caught a bus to head back up town, when Chris decided he wanted to know just where the bus is taking us, and so he pulled a map out of his pocket. Do you remeber how I said we didn't have a map to find the Sears Tower?! Oh wait! Yes we did! Chris had one in his pocket all along!!! Are you kidding me?!? If we all weren't laughing so hard, we probably would have strangled him!
Later that day we caught Andrew filling up his cup in a hotel lobby fountain...ew!
This was post Billy Joel sighting. Yeah, that's right, we saw Billy Joel in Tiffany's!
Ericka was so excited about the bull!
Though it was clearly a struggle to get up there, it was hilarious!
We made it! (it's a little bit of Texas, Chicago, and Indiana combined!)
This may be the beginning of a new career for Andrew!and to think, Chris missed all this because his bladder is the size of a peanut!
On our way to aquarium we stopped for a photo op!
Such a beautiful view!
Can you find Nemo???Yeah, neither could we...
We couldn't find our bus either!
Fun dinner with Greg and Shannon! We love them!
Chris couldn't make it into the picture, but he didn't care, he was just excited about his authentic Chicago hotdog!!
Waiting to go home at O'hare. waiting, and waiting, and waiting...
I don't know why Chris insists on being teffifying in every picture...
what a fun time in Chicago! You guys crack me up. :)
seriously? [in typical andrea fashion]
:) love you dear.
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