I can hardly believe that Chris and I have been married for a year now! It is just amazing how time flies. It really seems like its barely been a couple of months, but here we are a year later, and we have survived it! This may have been the most difficult and the most rewarding year of my life. I have been so very blessed to have such an incredible husband, and I can't wait to see where this next year takes us!

happy anniversary to yoU!
ps. i wanna read that intelligentpeoplereadbooks blog.
Happy Anniversary you guys! Your wedding was soooo beautiful and I can't believe a year has gone by already!
okay.. never mind.
Happy anniversary! its lindsey... (used to be lindsey bennett) but I am married too :) I was married almost 2 years ago. I found your blog through a friend of a friend and I'm so happy to see you happy! :) Looks like your doing well.....check out my blog!
Take care girl!
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